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*Hannah's Story

*Hannah's Story

"When I first came to Teen Challenge, I only weighed over 42kg; I was sick. I was at death's door, and I had to be hospitalised. My life was hanging in the balance. It was the worst experience of my life.    

After my hospital stay, I came to the New Life Centre. I was weak and tired but ready to leave my old life behind.  The family I had grown up in were part of a cult. I had struggled with so many issues because of this lifestyle.  Those in a position of power had sexually abused me.    

I remember so clearly the feeling I had when I entered the New Life Rehabilitation Centre, it was one of relief, and I sensed Love. It didn't matter what I had done, and it didn't matter what I told the staff, there was freedom there, and I was loved back to life.  I stayed in the program for a year and then lived with a family that supports TC. They opened their home to me, and I decided to study early childhood education.  It sounds a bit unbelievable but, everyone at TC became like a family to me; right now, I would describe my life as a steady work in progress, it's true no one gave up on me, even when I had given up on myself, Love never gives up’."

*Name and image changed to protect privacy

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